Leden onderzoeksgroep
Education, Media, Assessment, STEM & Technology
Vakgroep Onderwijskunde, Universiteit Gent
Carl Boel
PhD researcher
Henri Dunantlaan 2 (bureau 120.101)
B-9000 Gent
Research focus
In my PhD project on the integration of mobile virtual reality in secondary education in Flanders I focus on the acceptance by students and teachers. Elaborating on these results I investigate how to integrate VR as a tool for learning in the actual classroom setting itself. The evidence-informed instructional design serves in this as a holistic approach.
VRkeer, the first truly educational virtual reality experience, was created and designed by me, in collaboration with several partners. It serves as a good example of how a holistic approach is key to a successful solution. It was both nationally and internationally awarded.
I also work as a researcher at Thomas More University of Applied Sciences where we carry out research tracks on the integration of innovative technologies such as VR and AR for enhancing business workflows. In these tracks my focus is on instructional design, user experience, business modelling, validation and valorisation.
Before, I was a teacher in secondary education for 13 years. I have always been keen on technology enhanced learning which led to me giving tons of presentations and workshops for teachers, trainers, school leaders, IT-staff… showing the potential of e-tools for learning. After those 13 years I worked for 1,5 years at Thomas More as a lecturer in teacher’s training. In 2017 I started as a researcher at Odisee for whom I created a MOOC on language proficiency and academic skills.
Throughout my work the blend of academic research with practical solutions in education and/or business has always been thriving me.